Deniz Gökengin


Prof. Deniz Gökengin (MD) (Turkey) I am an academic staff member in the Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine at Ege University in Turkiye. and the director of the Ege University HIV/AIDS Research and Practice Center. I have been providing healthcare for people living with HIV since 1996 and currently, I am leading an HIV cohort of around 700 patients. I am the founding member and general secretary of the AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections Society in Turkiye, a board member of the International Union for Sexually Transmitted Infections in Europe, representing Turkiye, a member of the European AIDS Clinical Society and a member of the Euroguidelines in Central and Eastern Europe (ECEE) Network Group. My major areas of interest are sexual behavior, prevention and management of HIV/AIDS, and sexually transmitted infections. I have co-authored many publications on HIV/AIDS and focused specifically on Central and Eastern Europe recently. I continue to organize and participate in numerous projects, research, meetings, and training programs focusing on sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS. I have authored more than a hundred publications in national and international journals. I made more than 200 presentations at national and international meetings.