

Plenary sessions
Tuesday, 31 January 2017
Opening session

Welcome to the HepHIV 2017 Conference in Malta: Objectives and expected outcomes of the Conference
Jürgen Rockstroh, Brian West and Charmaine Gauci

The EU’s contribution to ending the HIV and Hepatitis epidemics in Europe (VIDEO)
Vytenis Andriukaitis, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety

HIV and Hepatitis Surveillance trends in the EU and feedback from the HIV Presidency conference
Andrew Amato-Gauci, ECDC

HIV and Hepatitis in Europe, time to turn the tide
Masoud Dara, WHO Regional Office for Europe

Do we have the right composition of testing strategies in Europe?
Michel Kazatchkine, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Community perspective on whether we have the right testing strategies in Europe
Jackie Morton, EATG

Wednesday, 1 February 2017 
PLE1: Surveillance and monitoring and evaluation of testing

HIV & Viral Hepatitis: What’s Next? (VIDEO)
Alfred Sant, European Parliament

10 years of HIV in Europe – what has been achieved, what remains as challenges 
Presentation by Ton Coenen, Rutgers
Presentation by Jens Lundgren, CHIP Rigshospitalet

Test and link to care: How do we measure our success?
Valerie Delpech, PHE

Surveillance of hepatitis and hepatitis testing efforts among people who use drugs

Dagmar Hedrich, EMCDDA

PLE2: Mixing testing strategies: Community and health care settings

Indicator Condition Guided HIV testing – progress and challenges
Ann Sullivan, SSAT

The Euro HIV EDAT Project. Monitoring and evaluation of community based testing: achievements and challenges

Jordi Casabona, Euro HIV EDAT

Home testing for HIV: Feasibility, acceptability, implementation, and applications
Aaron Siegler, Emory University

BCN Checkpoint: achievements, challenges and future plans of a community centre for MSM
Michael Meulbroek, BCN Checkpoint

Special Session on PrEP: Influence of PrEP and new treatment paradigms on testing pathways

HIV testing in sexual health clinics – do they need to change for PrEP?
Sheel Patel, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

PrEP implemention: Viral hepatitis C testing required? 
Maria Prins, Academic Medical Center

Thursday, 2 February 2017

PLE3: Continuum of Care and improving linkage to care

Short report from Conference Day 1 Conference chairs
Brian West

Understanding and improving the HIV Continuum of Care in Europe
Anastasia Pharris, ECDC

The continuum of care and late presentation – implementing the consensus definition in HIV
Amanda Mocroft, UCL

The continuum of care and late presentation – hepatitis - implementing the consensus definition
Jürgen Rockstroh, University of Bonn

The role of civil society in successful testing and linkage to care
Tracy Swan, TAG

PLE4: New point of care diagnostics, affordability and cost-effectiveness

New diagnostics for HIV and HCV testing 
Emmanuel Fajardo, MSF

Cost-effectiveness of HIV testing: frequency and target groups
Yazdan Yazdanpanah, INSERM

Closing session

Towards a realistic cure - the role of HIV testing 
Brian Gazzard, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Conference Call to Action 
Jürgen Rockstroh, Conference co-chair

Parallel sessions
Wednesday, 1 February 2017 
PS1: Monitoring for HIV and viral hepatitis

PS1/01 Are EU/EEA countries ready to monitor progress on HCV programmes?
Erika Duffell

PS1/02 HIV testing in persons diagnosed with hepatitis B and C 
Diagnosed HIV infections in persons being tested for the hepatitis B virus: England, 2008-2014
Georgina Ireland

PS1/03 Organizational barriers as an explanation for differences in offer and uptake rates for hepatitis B/C and HIV testing in three drug addiction centres in Copenhagen
Marianne Linnet

PS1/04 Monitoring anonymous HIV testing in Estonia in 2005-2015
Kadi Kallavus

PS1/05 The COBATEST network: A platform to perform monitoring and evaluation of HIV communty-based testing practices in Europe
Laura Fernàndez-López

PS2: Testing strategies in key affected populations

PS2/01 HIV diagnoses in migrants from Western, Central and Eastern Europe in the EU/EEA; emerging epidemics 
and HIV diagnoses in migrants from Latin America & Caribbean in Europe; distinct epidemics

Julia del Amo

PS2/02 A high rate of HIV-1 acquisition post immigration among migrants in Sweden determined by a CD4+ T-cell decline trajectory model indicates missed
opportunities for testing and primary prevention
Johanna Brännström

PS2/03 Knowledge, and actual versus potential use of HIV self-testing and self-sampling testing kits in 8 European countries
Cristina Agustí

PS2/04 From HIV-testing to Gay Health Centres: A mapping of European “Checkpoints
Axel Jeremias Schmidt

PS2/05 Drug Related Infectious Diseases (DRID) Medical Doctors Group of OKANA Factors associated with HCV test uptake in heroin
users entering substitution treatment in Greece

Olga Anagnostou

Thursday, 2 February 2017
PS3: Challenges in health care settings: Testing and linkage to care

PS3/01 Assessing the representativeness of European HIV cohort participants as compared to HIV surveillance data
Georgia Vourli

PS3/02 Factors for delayed linkage to care following HIV diagnosis in the WHO European Region
Sara Croxford

PS3/03 Increased HIV case detection through Integration of HIV Testing in Georgian Hepatitis C Elimination Program Screening Activities
Davit Baliashvili

PS3/04 Monitoring HIV-indicator condition based HIV testing in Estonia
Liis Lemsalu

PS3/05 Testing for blood borne viruses in the emergency department of a large London hospital

Daniel Bradshaw

PS4: Community testing

PS4/01 Development of a Toolkit for implementation and evaluation of Checkpoints for MSM
Matthias Kuske

PS4/02 Barring the Way to Health: how legal and regulatory barriers hinder modernising HIV testing across Europe
Lisa Power

PS4/03 BCN Checkpoint: Same-day confirmation of reactive HIV rapid test with Point Of Care PCR test accelerates Linkage to Care and reduces anxiety
Michael Meulbroek

PS4/04 Impact of Pre-Test Counseling Sessions on Increasing Knowledge About HIV and Hepatitis Among the Beneficiaries of a Free of Charge,
Voluntary Counseling and Testing Program (VCT) in Constanta, Romania

Ana-Maria Schweitzer

PS4/05 Checkpoint Collaborative Group Monitoring test uptake and risk behaviour in community based HIV/STI testing sites in
Germany, 2015/2016

Ulrich Marcus


PO1/PS1: Monitoring for HIV and Viral Hepatitis

PO1/01 Reflex RNA Testing on Hepatitis C Antibody Positive Samples: Is it Being Adopted?

PO1/03 Monitoring HIV Testing Guidance Implementation in Estonia

PO1/04 Core Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluation of Community based Voluntary Counselling and Testing (CBVCT) for HIV in the COBATEST Network, 1st Half 2015 Data

PO1/05 HIV: Are we Testing Appropriately?

PO1/06 Mind the Gap: Exploring Continuum of Care for HIV in Slovenia

PO1/07 Accessibility of HCV Diagnostics and Treatment Services in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA)

PO1/08 Review of Specialty Guidelines on HIV Testing Recommendations for HIV Indicator Conditions in Spain

PO1/12 Has Increased Rollout of DAA Therapy Decreased the Burden of Late Presentation and Advanced Liver Disease in Patients Starting HCV Therapy in Germany?

PO1/13 Availability of HIV Testing in Health Care, Community-based and Home-based Settings in the EU/EEA Member States

PO1/14 Variation in ART-coverage and Virological Suppression among HIV Key Populations

PO1/15 Improving Cascade of Care in Challenging Conditions: Experience from Eastern Siberia

PO1/16 Regional Differences across Europe in Advanced Fibrosis and Cirrhosis among HIV/HCV Co-infected Persons between 2010-2015

PS1/02 HIV Testing in Persons Diagnosed with Hepatitis B and C
Diagnosed HIV Infections in Persons Being Tested for the Hepatitis B Virus: England, 2008-2014

PS1/03 Organizational barriers as an explanation for differences in offer and uptake rates for hepatitis B/C and HIV testing in three drug addiction centres in Copenhagen

PS1/04 Monitoring Anonymous HIV Testing in Estonia in 2005-2015

PS1/05 The COBATEST Network: A Platform to Perform Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV Community-based Testing Practices in Europe

PO2/PS2: Testing Strategies in Key Affected Populations

PO2/01 Missed Opportunities for Diagnosing Viral Hepatitis Testing in Europe: a 25-country Analysis

PO2/02 Hepatitis B, C and HIV Testing Uptake in the General, Migrant and Roma Populations in Greece: Results from the Health Examination Survey Hprolipsis

PO2/03 Targeting HIV-stigma within the MSM Community in Italy: Results from a National Survey

PO2/04 Increasing the Impact of Harm Reduction Programs in Response to HIV and HCV Epidemics through Integrated Approach of Testing with Linkage to Care and Treatment

PO2/06 Get Test Project: an Innovative Approach in Attraction of Customers to the Continuum of Services for MSM

PO2/07 Missing Opportunities: Systematic Review on Testing for HCV in Prison Settings

PO2/09 Strategies to Expand Access to Treatment for Hepatitis C and Promote Adherence to HIV Treatment: the Role of Peer Work in a Harm Reduction Centre in Lisbon, Portugal

PO2/10 The “Red Umbrella Athens” Initiative: Presentation of the First Sex Workers’ Drop-In Centre in Athens, Greece

PS2/01 HIV Diagnoses in Migrants from Western, Central and Eastern Europe in the EU/EEA; Emerging Epidemics 

PS2/02 A High Rate of HIV-1 Acquisition Post Immigration among Migrants in Sweden Determined by a CD4+ T-cell Decline Trajectory Model Indicates Missed Opportunities for Testing and Primary Prevention 

PS2/03 Knowledge, and Actual Versus Potential Use of HIV Self-testing and Self-sampling Testing Kits in 8 European Countries

PS2/04 From HIV-testing to Gay Health Centres: A mapping of European “Checkpoints”

PS2/05 Factors Associated with HCV Test Uptake in Heroin Users Entering Substitution Treatment in Greece

PO3/PS3: Challenges in Health Care Settings and Linkage to Care

PO3/01 Delays in Starting HIV Treatment as Prevention: ART Initiation in the UK

PO3/02 Promoting HIV Testing in Primary Care in East London through a Research Programme is Effective. An MRC Phase IV Implementation Study

PO3/03 Is the Emergency Department (ED) a Suitable Environment to Offer Hepatitis Screening?

PO3/04 Routine HIV Testing in an Inner City Emergency Department- Avoiding Missed Opportunities for Testing

PO3/05 HIV Testing Improvement in Primary Care through Opt-TEST´s Indicator Condition Guided Testing: The Tool-1 and Plan-Do-Study-Act Experience in Catalonia, 2016

PO3/06 One Year after their Commercialization in France, who Use HIV Self-tests?

PO3/07 Population-based Modeling as the First Step in Optimization of HIV Interventions in Ukraine

PO3/08 Psychiatric Symptomatology among Patients with HIV and Hepatitis C - the Experience of a Romanian Clinic

PO3/10 Incidence and Risk Factors for Medical Care Interruption in HIV-Infected Patients

PO3/11 Collaboration with Primary Healthcare Network Significantly Improves Retention in Care and Viral Load Suppression in Ukraine

PS3/01 Assessing the Representativeness of European HIV Cohort Participants as Compared to HIV Surveillance Data

PS3/02 Factors for Delayed Linkage to Care Following HIV Diagnosis in the WHO European Region

PS3/03 Increased HIV Case Detection through Integration of HIV Testing in Georgian Hepatitis C Elimination Program Screening Activities

PS3/04 Monitoring HIV-indicator Condition Based HIV Testing in Estonia

PS3/05 Testing for Blood Borne Viruses in the Emergency Department of a Large London Hospital

PO4/PS4: Community Testing

PO4/01 Euro HIV EDAT Project (WP9/2): HIV-testing Using Oral Fluid Samples and Online Communication of Test Results (Swab2know)

PO4/02 Community Based Screening Network: Combined HIV, Hepatitis and syphilis testing and monitoring - A Community Led Partnership in Portugal

PO4/03 Monitoring and Evaluation of AHF “Test and Treat” Programme in Lithuania

PO4/04 Euro HIV EDAT Project (WP8): A Qualitative Study to Better Understand the Barriers and Facilitators to Early HIV Testing and Linkage to Care among Migrant Populations in Europe (Belgium, Denmark, France, Spain, Portugal)

PO4/05 COBA-Cohort: Preliminary Results of a Pan-European Cohort of HIV Negative MSM in Community-based Voluntary Counselling and Testing Services

PO4/07 CD4 Point-of-care Testing as Intervention Improving Linkage to Care - Lessons Learned from Poland

PO4/08 Euro HIV EDAT (WP4T1): Development of a Self-evaluation Tool in Order to Improve the Impact of the “A Guide to do it Better in our Community Based Voluntary Counselling and Testing (CBVCTs) Centers”

PO4/09 The COBATEST Network: Opportunities and Challenges of a European Network of Community-based Voluntary Counselling and Testing Services for HIV

PO4/11 A Difference. Specific (and Different) Needs of Clients in Two VCT Centres in Southern Poland (Krakow and Rzeszow)

PO4/12 HIV Community Testing Monitoring in Spain 

PS4/01 Development of a Toolkit for Implementation and Evaluation of Checkpoints for MSM

PS4/02 Barring the Way to Health: How Legal and Regulatory Barriers Hinder Modernising HIV Testing across Europe

PS4/03 BCN Checkpoint: Same-day Confirmation of Reactive HIV Rapid Test with Point Of Care PCR Test Accelerates Linkage to Care and Reduces Anxiety

PS4/04 Impact of Pre-Test Counseling Sessions on Increasing Knowledge About HIV and Hepatitis Among the Beneficiaries of a Free of Charge, Voluntary Counseling and Testing Program (VCT) in Constanta, Romania

PS4/05 Monitoring test uptake and risk behaviour in community based HIV/STI testing sites in Germany, 2015/2016