Organising Committee
Ann-Isabelle von Lingen | European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) |
Anastasia Pharris | European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) |
Antons Mozalevskis | WHO Regional Office for Europe |
Ben Collins | ReShape/International HIV Partnerships |
Brian Gazzard | Chelsea & Westminister Hospital |
Cary James | World Hepatitis Alliance |
Dagmar Hedrich | European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) |
Daniel Simões | HepHIV21 Conference Co-Chair; GAT; Univeristy of Porto |
Eberhard Schatz | Correlation Network |
Elena Vovc | WHO Regional Office for Europe |
Erika Duffel | European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) |
Isabel Aldir | Directorate General for Health; the National HIV, TB and VIral Hepatitis Programs |
Joana Bettencourt | Directorate General for Health; the National HIV, TB and VIral Hepatitis Programs |
Jeffrey Lazarus | Barcelona Insitute for Global Health (IS Global), Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona |
John de Witt | Utrecth University |
Jordi Casabona | El Centre d'Estudis Epidemiològics sobre les Infeccions de Transmissió Sexual i Sida de Catalunya (CEEISCAT) |
Jürgen Rockstroh | HepHIV21 Conference Co-Chair; Univeristy of Bonn |
Lella Cosmaro | Lila Milano |
Nicola Seguy | WHO Regional Office for Europe |
Nikos Dedes | European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG), Positive Voice |
Ricardo Baptista Leite | HepHIV21 Conference Local Co-Chair, Global Parliamentarians Network to End Infectious Diseases, UNITE |
Teymur Noori | European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) |
Tom Platteau | HIV/STI Clinic of the Insitute of Tropical Medicine |
Valerie Delpech | Public Health England |
Victoria Grandsoult | Global Parliamentarians Network to End Infectious Diseases, UNITE |