Stigma and legal barriers to the provision and uptake of HIV testing services

Lead: The Global Network of PLHIV (GNP+)

Partners: RegionH, PHE

This WP draws on the People Living with HIV Stigma Index ( and will enable networks of PLHIV to use the data they collect to inform advocacy and build partnerships with health care providers to ensure better and more equitable access to services - especially amongst key populations. From these, good-practice guidelines to scale up testing will be produced and disseminated.

      1)    The triangulation of existing PLHIV Stigma Indices and other data (especially to key populations and their linkage to care) across the European Region, to inform specific work in 5 geographically representative countries in the region (see Phase 3),

      2)    A systematic approach to specifically assessing, quantifying, and mitigating barriers (legal, regulatory, discriminatory, etc.) to the provision and uptake of HIV testing services in Europe and subsequent linkage to care, based on phase one of this work package and of WP4.

      3)    Assisting, supporting and evaluating activities of PLHIV networks in 5 countries (Positive Voice the national PLHIV network(Greece); Siec – the national PLHIV network / Foundation of Social Education centre for (Poland)  of PLHIV, Estonian Network of PLHIV, Sero+ Portugal, and DAH (Germany)) in rolling out these strategies - specific to the country context and with particular reference to key populations.

A further deliverable will be a best practice toolkit to facilitate a more supportive legal and regulatory environment, the development of which will be in conjunction with an external legal consultant (Lisa Power), in collaboration with EATG, CHIP, PHE and GNP+.

 Contact: Julian Hows: