OptTEST Training Tools & Case Studies
Training Tools
Coming soon.
Case studies on innovative advocacy strategies based on interviews with stakeholders
HIV Testing Guidelines
National Specialty Guidelines - HIV Indicator Conditions
Other National Guidelines & Policies
- Making it work: a guide to whole system commissioning for sexual health, reproductive health and HIV (NHS, 2015)
- Commissioning sexual health services and interventions: Best practice guidance for local authorities (NHS, 2015)
- HIV partner notification for adults: definitions, outcomes and standards (BHIVA, 2015)
- BASHH/EAGA statement on HIV window period (BASHH/EAGA, 2014)
- Standards of care for people living with HIV (BHIVA, 2013)
- Standards for psychological support for adults living with HIV (BHIVA, 2011)
- HIV testing: increasing update in black Africans (NICE, 2011)
- HIV testing: increasing uptake in men who have sex with men (NICE, 2011)
HIV Epidemiology
HIV Testing Resources
Other Relevant Links