Addressing Legal And Regulatory Barriers To Testing
The OptTEST legal & regulatory barriers toolkit is of use to anyone who wants to dismantle such barriers in their own country. The toolkit takes a 'pick and mix' approach, enabling users to take what they need without wading through an enormous pdf. A series of case studies illustrates how activists, clinicians and other alliances took down specific barriers to HIV testing and treatment in their countries. Tip sheets show how to go about implementing these ideas, or your own, within your country setting. Slide sets support presentations about the importance of identifying and mitigating barriers, to enable alliances and discussion. Each piece of the toolkit is separately downloadable and the ideas within them adaptable to differing country circumstances and the original materials are accompanied by a critical reading list which points the reader to many more existing resources online, with short explanations of their usefulness.
Overview on legal and regulatory barriers
Want to know what legal and regulatory barriers your country, or others in Europe, are putting in the way of better HIV testing and treatment? Barring The Way To Health is a new searchable database which outlines a range of impediments to key populations and others with HIV who seek testing and access to care across the 53 countries of Europe and Central Asia. You can pull out a particular issue that concerns you across Europe, or read about a particular country. You can comment and offer amendments - and if your country is one of the small minority not yet covered, we welcome your information on it.
Challenging and changing regulatory restrictions to testing
See also a Policy briefing on scaling up early diagnosis for HIV through diversifying HIV testing approaches beyond clinical settings here.
Challenging and changing legal and regulatory barriers
Challenging and changing barriers to prevention and treatment
Tips for advocacy for legal and regulatory changes ('how to' guides)