EuroTEST survey on blood borne virus (HIV, hepatitis B and C) testing consent requirements

Requirements for consent for blood borne virus testing vary across European countries and differ across infections in some countries. In many countries explicit informed consent, sometimes accompanied by pre- and post-test counselling, is recommended for HIV testing. In others, a written consent is required. Complicated HIV testing consent procedures are a barrier for testing implementation in many settings, particularly in non-specialist healthcare settings. However, a comprehensive overview of European consent requirements is lacking.

A EuroTEST working group consisting of European HIV and hepatitis clinicians and community representatives and supported by colleagues in ECDC and WHO/Europe and the EuroTEST Steering Committee has developed a survey on blood borne virus (HIV, hepatitis B and C) testing consent requirements in the countries of the WHO European Region.

The EuroTEST survey was launched on 09 October 2023 and will map differences between consent requirements for HIV and viral hepatitis testing, covering both policy and practice, and will serve as input for developing a recommended testing consent procedure with possible variation across setting, ultimately seeking to reduce barriers for testing across the Region.

The survey is aimed at people who provide testing for HIV and/or hepatitis B and C in a clinical or community setting, or coordinate testing programmes in a public health setting. It consists of five main questions and should take around 10-15 minutes to complete. 

Survey link:

Extended deadline: 30 November 2023

For any questions, please contact the EuroTEST secretariat at